Thursday, March 25, 2010

Revelations: A Champion

So I'm doing a devo with my best friend Joel and we're talking about some awesome things that I came to the realization of tonight thanks to Pastor Dad.

God wants us to live like champions, it's what we're destined for, anointed for!  Ephesians 5:1 says that we're to be imitators of Christ.  [Here's the revelation] Jesus was tempted by Satan, Matthew 4:1-11. I totally believe that this was just one of the many times Jesus was tempted, without a doubt! I mean, He was a man! I'm sure there were plenty of times where thoughts came up on why He was choosing to live the way He did; BUT, He kept those thoughts captive: He didn't let them grow! 
1 Corinthians 10:5 says "lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One)." Jesus removed those temptations from His mind, and that's exactly what we should do if we're going to be imitators of Christ! The only thing that Satan can do is put a thought in our minds. He has NO power other than that.  He cannot make us sin; he can only present to us a thought, a temptation!  The only way he can gain power over us is if we GIVE IT to him!
Jesus gave NO power to Satan, no leeway. He removed the thoughts and temptations immediately from His mind once they entered and compared them to what His Father, God, said. Jesus said that He was only going to do the things He saw His Father do and say the things He heard His Father say! That's discipline, that's determination to be holy as He is holy, Leviticus 20:7/1 Peter 1:16.
So, if Jesus can do it, if He can put those thoughts and temptations behind Him, can't we? Just like God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle, 1 Corinthians 10:3, He won't ask for more of us than we have to give. As long as we're trusting in and following Him, He won't let us fail, Deuteronomy 31:6. God asks us to be imitators of Christ: it's a possible feat. 
God wants for us to be Champions! He wants us to succeed at everything we put our hand to! As long as we do it God's way, as long as we say the things He says about it, as long as we give Him glory in what we do: we will not fail! NOTHING is impossible WITH God! Luke 1:37
Be Blessed! 

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