It is officially 2010! Not because the calendar changed. Not because
the season is right. But because I have set what I want to accomplish
this year in my sights. I know God's Cause for me this year. I know
what lies ahead and know some of the things God's going to bring me to
this year; for instance, college!!!
Anyways, at church this morning, and last Sunday, pastor (dad)
preached on our Cause. Individually and together as the Body of Christ
we have a Cause.
He based it off the story of David and Goliath. (1 Samuel 17).
When David showed up to the Isrealites' camp to bring his brothers
food he hears them talking about Goliath and that no one would stand
up for God's people and defeat this beast of a Philistine man. In
verse 29 he says "Is there not a cause?" What he was asking was "Are
none of you willing to take action of God's behalf?" I could imagine
his disappointment in his fellow believers. He knew that he, just a
small, young guy, could go down and defeat Goliath easily because God
was on his side. But none of these great worriors could see that God
was all it took. They just saw Goliath's size and were already
claiming defeat. Dad put it this way: any of the warriors could have
easily defeated Goliath if they had just understood the Cause.
David was a man after God's heart. He knew God. He had faith in God.
He knew the real Cause. It wasn't necessarily defeating Goliath; it
was being SO IN TUNE WITH GOD that he knew he was capable of
deafeating anything standing in the way of being all God called him to be.
If the Goliath would have won that battle the Isrealites would have
been Philistine slaves; David knew that's not what God had for him,
so, he TOOK ACTION! He defeated Goliath, not with a slingshot and a
pebble, but with the knowledge that God was there with him. He
defeated the giant with a Cause.
A cause is defined as: a reason or motive for action!
The Cause, your Cause, my Cause, is to draw unto God like never
before. To take action in our walk with Him. To see Him the way He
sees us. To see the world the way He sees it. To be the warriors,
friends, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, husbands, wides, pastors,
students, sheep, CHRISTIANS He NEEDS us to be. And it all starts by
KNOWING Him at a deeper level than ever before. Always be digging for
Him through His Word. Always be panting for Him (Ps 42:1). Always be
drawing to Him closer.
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!" James 4:8
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"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt 6:21
Sunday, January 3, 2010

- Jessica Lanae
- My name is Jessica. I love Jesus. I love family. I love going to church. I love singing. I love playing piano.
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